Best Range to Build Muscle

None of it.It's depends and varies from person to person.High reps, low weight is ideal for cutting and  heavy weight with low reps is ideal for mass is a well know theory in muscle building.Yet,after years of lifting,these specific range doesn't work as they did initially.So everyone will keep on changing their workout regimen through out the years.The one simple thing that anyone can keep in mind to induce myofibrillar hypertrophy is this,the next day,you must feel the soreness in the muscle.It's  simple.If you need to go 17 reps ,5 sets to achieve the pain the next day,then that's your threshold.For you 10 x 3 will do no shit.To simplify everything,no pain,no gain.To induce the pain,you can choose your range ,be it isolate,compound, mega set or super set,you can name it.It's up to you.


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