Types of Heartache

Well,in ER or OT,more people died not because the heart problem itself,but the feeling or sensation they undergoes that they going to die.That's why morphine is a life saving measure in cardiac cases.When you know the type of pain,you could differentiate what is actually happening to you.Many cases from various ages used to came with a single complaint that they concluded themselves as heart attack.Wonder what is that?
Palpitation is an unpleasant awareness of forceful or rapid beating of the  heart.When you having it,you feels like you having heart attack and you going to die but most of the time,it is due to anxiety and emotional causes like fear and excitement.
(People with high thyroid; thyrotoxicosis tend to have them too but that doesn't mean when you having palpitation,your thyroid level is high.You will be thin,eyes bulging out and many associate symptoms will be there as well so don't conclude anythin on your own or buy information on net and get carried away with fear.Just go and see your doctor)

Pleural is two membranes that envelops the lung and the inner chest wall.
Pericarditis means your lining sac around your heart get swollen.
Angina means chest pain or discomfort that occurs when your heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen rich blood.

All the terms are made easy for understanding of normal people.So having chest ache?Don't worry,even excessive formed gas can cause it which will resolve in 2 3 days but never take anything for granted.Keep your health profile update and visit doctor if something is bothering you.
To prevent all this in a much simple way,exercise regularly.


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