Snoring and How to Manage It.

Ever wonder why you still feel sleepy after 8 hours of sleep last night?

Many middle aged population  suffer from recurrent upper airway obstruction during sleep which causes sleep fragmentation leading to daytime sleepiness.You will never realize of it because the cycle of upper airway occlusion at level of soft palate leads to transient wakefulness and recovery of upper airway muscle tone during sleep.The person rapidly return to sleep,snores and become apnoeic once more without realizing it.There are many reason for day time sleepiness but the most common causes  in today's society are these:
-nasal obstruction (nose obstruction) -acromegaly
-hypothyroidism (low thyroid level;which always makes you fat and increase fat layer around your neck)
-dehydration (which usually because of late night alcohol) -sedatives (sleeping pills which causes relaxation of upper airway dilating muscles)

How do you know you having such problem?
-Excessive day time sleepiness -snoring ,bed partner report loud snoring in all body position and often notice multiple breathing  pauses
-sleep is unrefreshing
-difficulty with concentration, work performance, depression, irritability
How can you manage it?
-reduce your weight by exercising -avoid alcohol
-avoid sedatives -or CPAP nasal or face mask (discuss with your doctor


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