How To Know If You're Having a Weak Heart

All you need is a stopwatch.Put your 2 fingers at your wrist or carotid pulse and measure your resting pulse rate.Count it for 15 second and multiply it by 4 to get the total number of pulse beat per minute.If you're not lazy,count it for 1 minute.
Normal range would be about 72 beats/minute.If you did a workout and it's still low,it's very good.(if it's low, for an example-less than 50 beats/min during resting then it's bad).
Then do something intensely like jogging,burpees,skipping or any exercise for 1 minute to spike the heart rate.Then measure your pulse rate again.
Let say after 1 minute of intense workout,it's 150.Then rest for 1 minute and re-measure your pulse again.Let say it become 140 after 1 minute of rest.Minus that 150 with 140 and you will get 10 which means your heart beats only decrease by 10 in a minute.When the value is 12 or less,it means your heart cannot handle your workout(do visit a dr).If the difference is more than 30,for an example from 140 it become 90 beats per minutes after 1 minute of rest,then your heart is in a very good condition.This indicator of how fast your heart rate recover in 1 minute is a good clue to see how healthy is your heart


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