How To Perform CPR

Many of us have a basic knowledge on how to perform a cpr during an emergency but there are few thing that if we do wrongly could be very deleterious.

A person's airway is opened by head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust to lift tongue and epiglottis away from glottic opening.If you dont tilt,the air wont enter into lungs.

We know how to give mouth to mouth breathing but when you blow the air into a person mouth,the nostrils should be covered.One should deliver slow even breaths allowing full exhalation.We can apply digital pressure to cricoid cartilage(at the neck,around thyroid gland area) to keep peak inspiratory pressure low.All this is to avoid insufflation of stomach with consequent emesis (vomiting) and aspiration.

For circulation,be careful to avoid the ribs or xiphoid process (lower part of sternum) to prevent fracture.Place the heels of the hand,one atop of the other on the lower half of the sternum and give  compression which depress the chest by 4 to 5 cm.

In medical facilities,D stands for defibrillation,at times dehydration or disability which we use glascow coma scale to assess the person's condition  added with an E (exposure of the patient)and this isn't normal people's task but the knowing the right way to do the above 3 (A,B,C) will be a life saving measure.


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